Plastic model courses from Tamiya – streak carving & nippers and cutter knives

“Streak carving” is a technique that is useful for finishing and improving the details of plastic model production. Introducing the features of the dedicated tool released by Tamiya and the points of how to use it.
00:12 What is streak carving?
01:40 Introduction of streak carving carbide blade
03:51 Introduction of streak carving carbide needle
06:39 Introduction of Precision Saw II (for streak carving)

“Nippers” and “cutter knives” that are indispensable for making plastic models. Introducing the features of the product lineup released by Tamiya and the points of how to use it.

● Commentary: Shinji Hasegawa (Pro modeler / Tamiya Plamodelfactory Tressa Yokohama store instructor)