Official announcement of Tamiya regarding counterfeit Mini 4WD products

Regarding Counterfeit Mini 4WD Products

It has unfortunately come to light that counterfeit Tamiya Mini 4WD products are being sold by malicious vendors. These products include Tamiya logos and trademarks without authorization. We therefore ask our customers to ensure that they purchase Mini 4WD products through recognized Tamiya vendors, as counterfeit products cannot be used in official Tamiya events and are not subject to Tamiya customer service cover.

4 thoughts on “Official announcement of Tamiya regarding counterfeit Mini 4WD products

  1. groot

    Tamiya maybe have to think more political. Tamiya is a counterfeit in my country. The real trade is T2M. and Tamiya sell all right to dickies and T2M. And it’s impossible in europe to have a tamiya at the best price, and some parts that it’s illegal for european to have.

    Soo counterfeit maybe and i’m sad for Tamiya, but Tamiya must re-have their right to sell worldwide and not only for japan and america.

    To resume : Tamiya is a counterfeit in Europe.

  2. admin Post author

    you are mixing up two different things. The article is about counterfeit products, so illegal product copies. You are talking about local distributors and their prices. Dickie and T2M are just local agents / distributors like Tamiya has for every country with Tamiya USA and Philippines just being exceptions belonging to Tamiya HQ.

  3. Niels

    My friend, how do we determine authentic parts when there are thise who recycle packaging? A guide on how to determine genuine and fake will be great

  4. admin Post author

    Good question, would say most safe way is to buy from an official Tamiya dealer.

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