It has been known among insiders and modellers in Japan since the Shizuoka fair a couple of weeks ago, but most Tamiya enthusiasts outside Japan probably still don’t know; So despite not being really breaking news anymore, we would like to forward the news that Mr. Shunsaku Tamiya has handed over the presidency of the Tamiya company to Mr. Masayuki Tamiya, his 50 year old son-in-law, after working 50 years for the company himself.
Mr. Shunsaku Tamiya remains Chairman of the Board, and has announced that he will still have an active role in the daily business of the company. Mr. Masayuki Tamiya has worked for the Tamiya company since 1990, since 2004 as Senior Executive Director, and surely has the experience and skills needed. Also, like Mr. Shunsaku Tamiya, he’s a very enthusiastic modeller, and this should ensure that the choice of subjects and the quality remain as good as ever.
At Tamiyablog, we would like express our deepfelt gratitude to Mr. Shunsaku Tamiya for all the fantastic products he and his staff have created during his half a century in the business, and wish him a long and happy life as a “retiree”. Likewise, our gratulations and best wishes go to Mr. Masayuki Tamiya for his new position in the Tamiya company and for the continued success and flood of fantastic new products.