Announcement of excellent works of Tamiya RC Condele 2 << 2 >> and Tamiya RC History 39!
・ Continuing from the morning session, we will introduce the excellent works of the Twitter posting project “Tamiya RC Condele 2”. Please see the many masterpieces posted while explaining the evaluation points. And the announcement of the excellence award! ・ Tamiya RC History << 39 >> introduces the RC car released in 1994. “Jeep Wrangler”, “Ferrari 412T1”, “Ford Mondeo BTCC” will be released.
Cast: Tamiya Satoshi Maezumi, Riku Sunahara, Akihiro Ohata

Kind of annoying I find out about contests AFTER they are over. Why is it on Twitter anyway? Why doesn’t TamiyaUSA tell us Americans? Why does Tamiya ignore Reddit? The custom cars they showed looked like submissions from a very small pool of people. Some were really bad looking too. Just say’n.
Because they are events of Tamiya Japan, so unfortunately not in USA.